Tristan Pipo – Blogging – Season 2 – Post #001

Hello dear readers. It has been a long time since I have really been into the blogging thing. The last blog ran from November of 2003 until November of 2014. With the last few years having a blog maybe once a year. That’s not really a good end to the last blog. But I have archived and it’s available at if you would like to revisit the past.

Man what a time to be alive. The last few years have been a bit crazy and I hope to catch you all up soon with stories from the past. Dreams of the future and everything in between. Which doesn’t make a great deal of sense since everything is in the past or a dream. This is getting a bit redundant at this point.

I bought a new laptop to make this new blog a reality and going to see how many times we can increase that number between now and a year from now. If you would like to connect on social media hit me up on twitter @tristanpipo

I really hope to try and connect with any past, present or future readers. Thanks for taking the time to read this fairly tame introduction post.

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