2021 – Post #007

Well here we are a little over half way into 2021. Coming back to one of the blogs of days past to write something yet again. Happy to be fully vaccinated back in May. Felt compelled to finally put my money where my mouth is and convert that sand pit in my yard to an actual fire pit. Finished that right before we had the hottest temps in the USA.

Have a 20 year high school reunion coming up. Not so sure how I feel about that. Excited to go but also indifferent. I did only find out about the event because the website to sign up linked to a video of the high school slideshow I encoded about 11 years ago. I ponder about how many people I am still connected to are going to be going. So far the number seems very low.

Had a bit of a health revelation and been kicking ass with that. Currently down about 90lbs since coming back from Vietnam at the start of the pandemic.

Did see some family again for Mother’s day. Was nice to hang out without masks since everyone is vaccinated.

I have lost some friends over the past year. Mostly because they seemed to get wrapped up in that stupid Q-unacy crap. Hard to be friends with people that live in a different reality. I attempt to reach out now and then to see where they stand on things. Apparently being vaccinated I will be dead in 6 months to 3 years. Seems like an odd theory to have from those people.

I look out at the landscape of the internet and seems like a totally different place. I miss the days when people had their own little pages written in very basic HTML. Now everyone has an identity of a social media profile. I used to think I was going to make it as a blogger. But I am pretty happy with where life has gone.

I hope everyone out there in internet is doing well and would love to hear from anyone still reading. Drop me a line tristan@pipo.me

2020 – Post #006

Man what a year so far. Been 3 years since I have put anything on this site. I think I want to get back into adding content again. It’s just a different world compared to what things used to be like. I would publish frequently. I wanted to have a blog of substance something I could reflect on later in life. It’s 2020 and things are just so bizarre. I am not sure how to comprehend where we currently are as the human race.

Perhaps I should dive into that a little bit. Even the back end for this this has changed so much that I am not sure I frankly understand it anymore. More research is needed. The blog has never been forgotten. Just ignored. I started blogging when I read an article about Google buying the service Blogger and figured I should start one of those sometime in 2003. Tried a podcast for a while. Here it is September of 2020.

It has been an amazing journey between then and now. Perhaps I have built a life. Not sure I’m always proud of everything. But I constantly hope to learn more and see expand horizons. I can’t know everything but I would always like to learn more. But it’s almost 1:00am on a Saturday. Err Sunday now.

Let’s see where this goes. Thanks for reading.

New Project – Post #005

So back in the end of March I really had to get present to myself. I was finally working on finishing the last part of this curriculum I had been taking for Landmark. I did the initial Landmark Forum back in July of 2016. I did the Advanced Course in September of 2016 and started the final part called the Self Expression and Leadership course in March of this year.

It’s been a rather interesting undertaking and been getting present to a few things that I never really thought about. But one aspect of the final program is take a community that you’re connected to and have a way to transform it. The community I wanted to transform into something new had to be my family. I had a few things I wanted to do.

  1. Share myself in a real matter with my family as I feel like they don’t really get who I am.
  2. Figure out where the hell we came from and get that outlined somehow.
  3. Learn more about my family and who they are.

Currently with my family things are always a bit odd. We show up and everything is rather generic in communication. It would appear that things have also gotten distant after my grandmother passed away in November of 2015.  While that was hard I just want to be present and share myself. I want to take the stand that everyone wins.

So to do that I came up with the following. To accomplish #1 I thought about what I have done over the years and I had a pretty odd blog where I just wrote things down for a good run daily and weekly for around 10 years. I wanted to expand on any content on there and basically get my life written down into something that I could share and look at what I did. Here is who I am and get that put into a new blog or perhaps a book.

To accomplish #2 I signed up for an ancestry.com account and paid for a few months to do some research. I also paid for a DNA test and wanted to have the end goal of learning about some stranger in my family and get to know them.

I plan on writing about that experience on this site later.

The third thing I wanted to do was interview my family members. Get to know them better and have them write a story about what their experience of life is. Something about themselves just create a clearing for sharing everything.

Now I had three months to do this in the course but what I have learned is writing a book and doing research which now turns out to be 100’s of people isn’t easy. Some of those ancestors in the 1800’s had 12 kids. Going down those tree’s hasn’t been the easiest thing in the world either. So here I am in the program with a few weeks left and nowhere near where I would like to be. But I will carry on and press forward to get this done.

If anyone has any ideas or thoughts I would love to hear them.

Welcome to May – Post #004

So after starting this blog up I was thinking about the main purpose. The big purpose was to get back into writing again. I haven’t really been spending much focus on doing that. So here we are in May and wanted to talk about what I’m working on.

I have been researching my family history to get a better understanding of where I came from. I setup an ancestry.com account and just started building out a family tree. I hit two road blocks with my grandpa after I found out he was adopted. So I have been looking into how to figure out who his real parents are. So that has been an interesting and fun challenge.

The other thing I was wanting to do in learning more about my family was get to know my local family. I wanted to sit down with as many of them as I could. I wanted to know who they were on a deeper level. I want to know how I occur to people. So that is next on my project. The end goal is to hopefully self publish a book on the matter of my family. I will need some help with that and looking forward to see what I can come up.

Thanks for reading =)