2022 — Post #008

Man I am not good at writing blogs. I recall the days when I started blogging. Back in 2003 or so when I read about this article on https://slashdot.org about Google buying Blogger.

That’s when I setup an account and started just dumping my mind onto the internet. Thinking nobody would ever stop to read. I couldn’t get into MySpace. Facebook wasn’t a thing and I just wanted to get thoughts out there. I think LiveJournal was a thing but was never really into that. I think I still have an account over there. The most social networking then was done over AIM, MSN, Yahoo Messenger and good old IRC.

Back then the internet was a ton of fun with a ton to explore with bunches of little silos all over the place. Forums and so for I got really into php and working with phpBB to moderate forums. Crazy how far we have come in that regard. Forums are still around but I don’t participate much these days. I deleted my Facebook account and just been trying to disconnect from most social networking. I am not sure why I keep this blog around. Perhaps I just like to have some internet presence to stay connected to the world.

So lets see how 2022 has been going. Started off the year pretty generic nothing much new. February went to Maui and got to enjoy a bit of a vacation for once in two years. Was happy to get down under 300lbs and into a size 38×34 pants. I can’t recall if I was even that size in high school. Took the diabetes from an A1C of 13 down to a 4.9. Blood pressure is under control and life is good health wise.

Rest of the time just been doing the home thing. In July went to Mexico and brought Covid-19 back. That was no fun and I do not recommend getting it at all. I am getting the next COVID booster at the end of this month. (September 2022) looking forward to that.

Other than that just been enjoying fires and hanging out with people. Having cigars and trying to figure out how to take on home projects in a more efficient manner. But would love to hear from anyone that is still reading this text on the internet.

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